A beautiful star-filled night on California's magnificent coastline yields its mystery to an awakening sunrise.  The emerging light draws us in its soft rays and its warm energy, reflecting on a rippled, bulging Pacific. Rolling, rhythmic waves and the ocean's commanding, meditative power washes over us as we open our eyes to the new day.  This is how we wake from our dreams and enter the day's own vision as fog steams away.  We are transformed by it.  Along the nearly thousand miles of California's shore, we see every shade of blue, every possibility, every nuance of a moving, living marine canvas: whips of foam, light streaking across the western sky, ropes of kelp, morning's textured and fragrant greeting.  We hear thunder in the force of the breakers and breathe its salty vapors.  Growing nearby is California Sage, Ice Plant, and native grasses.  Up over the distant hills are gold carpets shaded by groves of peppery green and freestanding scrub Oaks.  To the north stand nature's skyscrapers, the mighty Redwoods.  Their view is ancient and forever.  We see cattle, jack rabbits, deer, and feisty squirrels.  Birds circle and glide overhead.  Otters and porpoises play.  The spell of all this, a California moment, is punctuated by the approach of a Pacific Coastliner.  It threads through pastures, over trestles, and its occasional horn sounds a timeless reminder.  Expect the unexpected.  We stop to listen, to look around us, to fill our lungs, to realize we are in a most special moment, in a most special place.  This is sunrise and the California Coast is singing its wakeup song, a symphony we've never heard before even though it happens every day.



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